Bariatric Surgery
Cost of Some Major Procedures

Gastric bypass

Cost Range

Estimated Stay in Hospital
4-5 Days

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Gastric Banding

Cost Range

Estimated Stay in Hospital
2 Days

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Sleeve Gastrectomy

Cost Range

Estimated Stay in Hospital
4 Days

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Note: Costing shown above may vary among hospitals. We can tailor the cost as per your budget and requirement.

Common Queries

Yes. Many insurance companies require patients to be on a weight loss program before qualifying for surgery.

Many bariatric surgeons put their patients on a special pre-operative diet, usually 2 or 3 weeks just before surgery. The reason for the pre-operative diet is to shrink the liver and reduce fat in the abdomen. This helps during the procedure and makes it safer.

Some insurance companies require a physician-monitored diet three to six months prior to surgery as part of their coverage requirement. These diets are very different from the short-term diets and usually are more about food education and showing a willingness to complete appointments and to learn.

There are two basic types of weight loss surgery -- restrictive surgeries and malabsorptive surgeries (and also surgeries that are a combination of both procedures). Each helps with weight loss in different ways.

  • Restrictive surgeries (like adjustable gastric banding) work by physically restricting the stomach's size, limiting the amount of solid food you can eat. A normal stomach can hold about three pints of food. After weight loss surgery, a stomach may only hold one ounce of food, although over time it may be able to hold two or three ounces of food.
  • Malabsorptive surgeries (like gastric bypass) work by changing the way your digestive system absorbs food. This type of weight loss surgery is more complicated. The surgeon removes parts of your intestine, creating a shortcut for the food to be digested. This means that fewer calories get absorbed into the body. The combined malabsorptive/restrictive surgery also creates a smaller stomach pouch, which restricts the amount of food you can eat.

  • Gastric banding is often a minimally invasive surgery performed with small incisions, a laparoscope (a tiny camera), and special instruments.
  • There is no need to cut into the stomach or intestine, and recovery is usually faster than with gastric bypass surgery.
  • The surgery can be reversed by surgically removing the band.
  • The band can be tightened or loosened in the doctor's office to control weight loss and nutritional needs. To tighten the band, saline solution is injected into the band. To loosen it, the liquid is removed with a needle.
  • Serious complications are uncommon. But gastric bands can slip out of place, become too loose, or leak. Should this occur, additional surgery may be necessary.

  • Weight loss is quick and dramatic. People lose an average of 60% to 80% of their excess body weight.
  • Because weight loss is quick, weight-related health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, sleep apnea, and heartburn improve quickly.
  • Most people are able to keep at least 50% of the excess weight off long term.


  • Loss of stomach tissue results in a drop in the so-called "hunger hormone" (ghrelin), which helps control appetite.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical weight-loss procedure generally done by laparoscopy where the stomach is reduced to about 25% of their original size. By laparoscopic surgery removal of a large area of the stomach is done , following a major curve.

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