Cost of Some Major Procedures

Note: Costing shown above may vary among hospitals. We can tailor the cost as per your budget and requirement.

Common Queries

A pulmonologist can diagnose and treat diseases of the respiratory system. They might have certain areas that they specialize in, like critical care, asthma or sleep medicine. They might also specialize in treating children (a pediatric pulmonologist) or the elderly (a geriatric pulmonologist).

The difference, basically, is the area of specialization. The cardiologist is an expert on the heart, while the pulmonologist is an expert on the lungs. These areas of your body are closely linked, though, and work better together when both your heart and lungs are healthy. If you have a disease like pulmonary hypertension, you may need to see both types of doctors since both heart and the lungs are involved.

If you have symptoms that your regular healthcare provider isn’t able to help you with, or if they think you would be better off seeing a specialist, they might refer you to a pulmonologist. Some of these signs and symptoms might include:

  • A cough that doesn’t improve over time.
  • Shortness of Breath (Dyspnea)
  • Chest pain or tightness.
  • Wheezing
  • Sleep apnea symptoms, like extreme tiredness or loud snoring
  • Dizziness

If you’ve already been diagnosed with a respiratory condition, you may continue having scheduled appointments to manage your illness.

Asthma can be caused by exposure to dust, pollens, cockroaches, house mites, air pollutants, perfumes, smoke and viral infections. It can be life threatening for some people and may require intervention. Few alarming symptoms are:

  • Breathing in hard that the abdomen is sucked inside the ribs
  • Gasping for air
  • Difficulty in speaking

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